Always we come across various theories and strange formulas about what happened in the extra-temporal sphere!
Time! A weapon or a trap for the unknown and for those who don't watch it arrive so fast and relentless?
I believe that we, humans, see time in different ways, but all of them lead us to the logical error of a logic illogicality that doesn't belong to us or that we will never know with 100%, even if not yet here, in time, we are already disconnected!
Based on this logic, the Word and history reveal something about battles, struggles, victors, and defeated, outside of our time in the universe layer to which we are limited!
This text is intended for a personal analysis of the reading of the Word, history, and the acts and facts recorded in all available content. So, it is not meant to be right or to play with probabilities and possibilities, but solely the search to indicate why the mind leads to a conclusion, entirely personal and intransferrable, I believe!
Before the foundation of the world, before time, there were already kingdoms and those chosen to administer each of them! This is clearly revealed with the gathering before the Creator by the so-called sons of God.
Certainly, the initial war unleashed after the construction of time and what would be inserted in it, like the foundation of the world, gatherings, and portions, as well as light and the whole set we call space or identifiable universe!
However... at some point in eternity (I'm not sure if this phrase could be formulated like this), the Creator promises His Son as a sacrifice!
It is at this moment that we have to travel in time literally and poetically, with the true permission, to the second coming of the Son of God, when He will emerge with all Power and Glory! This act is very important for the cerebral context!!!
In the eternal heaven, the abode of the Creator, after the Trine Formation, the Creator establishes His Kingdom and Celestial Abode, servants and services, army and its hierarchical formation! Kingdoms are created, and anointed ones are established to administer them!
To human eyes or not, there are special creations, but for the appreciation of the Creator and not for the wickedness of creatures in His Kingdom outside of time!
With that, and when there are distortions of services by servants, the rupture becomes obvious, and those who try to harm the MAGNA HONOR of the CREATOR, who does not dwell in an impure place, are fought against and expelled!
They could no longer live and coexist in the Eternal, remaining only to dwell in time, in ephemerality!
But the deceit, thinking of remaining within the reach of the Eternal, entered against the domain of a man who was the rightful administrator of a kingdom called Earth and its endless surroundings, limited by time and space!
And thus, it managed to appropriate this kingdom!
But this kingdom has different characteristics from the Eternal Kingdom!
Here, Eternal Laws take effect, but the punishments are different!
Herein lies the complicator of all thought! The lack of knowledge of how things work there subjects us to what we know here as the Law of the Lord, which is not human laws, which only reflect a tiny fraction of It!
However, the Word reveals a series of severe punishments or equivalents to the offense, and other measures for those who reject undeserved Grace!
There is an incredible logic throughout the context, and whose pretext can only be glimpsed in the offending part!
Now the thought leads us to why all the affront and presumption of a created being wanting to be the creator!
If you look at the context among human creatures, you will see that power corrupts the vast majority in various ways!
By this nature, let's say, it is no different because that's what we call evil! Which differs greatly from the so-called good!Imagine a human household where the father is a king who delegates to his subjects the day-to-day tasks and allows his son to manage the gathering.
This father is represented in the son, but some of his subjects, who have special functions, think they know more and can do more because they command armies, people, and many goods!
Then, one day, they decide they can be more than the son! The next day, they decide they can be greater than their own king!
Is this heart a good or evil heart?!
In time: The simple historical reading of the Bible will lead us to our own thoughts! Here is mine, which I make using the experience of reconstructing paths, as I did during years of work in accounting, administration, economics, and law! I can see the elements come together and form an identifiable figure that can be read. However, we must not forget that reading with guidance from the Author of the Word leads us to certainties and full conviction! Here, I used both to keep my mind open to the depth of the logic I need in my daily existence. Until I no longer have it, but gain it, not by my merits, the new experience that was on the right path and that I managed to escape the poison of certain human boxes, humanoid, humanist, progressive gospel, liberalism, hyper-grace, and other transformists who want to adhere human laws to the Divine, trying to make the Creator something made of clay and visible!
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